Saturday, June 17, 2006

Eagle poisoned

I, like most other birders, was sickened to read of another incident of one of our raptors being killed in the interests of "sport". A Golden Eagle has been found poisoned using an illegal pesticide on an estate on Deeside. What gives the bastards responsible the right to do this? What would the thousands of tourists who flock to Braemar, Balmoral and Ballater think if they knew that if they took an innocent wander into the hills, their child or their dog could be killed if they come into contact with a deliberately poisoned carcass?

These people have been getting away with this for far too long. All estates where poisoning incidents occur should be publicised nationally and the landowners vilified for allowing this on "their" land. The wildlife does not belong to them, and they or their minions have no right to destroy our natural heritage. Perhaps these people should be fed with the same chemicals they poison our countryside with...

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