Buzzed off
Yesterday morning, a Bee-eater flew over the Reserve, calling twice in the process, but remaining resolutely invisible. This is the second time I've heard this species here and failed to see it - the last time, about 5 years ago, someone else did see 3 after I'd heard them. I also missed seeing one that had been present for 4 hours down the coast 12 years ago - I arrived 10 minutes after it waved goodbye to the assembled crowd... GRRRR!
The one time I did get one in Britain, it was a very sad, unspectacular, wet bird at the top of a very tall tree near Aberdeen. Fortunately, they were more obliging in Majorca this spring!
The one time I did get one in Britain, it was a very sad, unspectacular, wet bird at the top of a very tall tree near Aberdeen. Fortunately, they were more obliging in Majorca this spring!
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